
Trends In Designer Eyewear That Embrace Style And Vision


Designer eyewear has evolved far beyond being just a necessity for vision correction. Today, it is a fashion statement, reflecting personal style and enhancing facial features. Here are three exciting trends in designer eyewear that are shaping the industry and helping individuals embrace both style and optimal vision. Sustainable Materials and Eco-Friendly Designs As environmental consciousness continues to grow, the eyewear industry has responded with a focus on sustainability. Many designer eyewear brands are now using eco-friendly materials like recycled plastics, bio-based acetate, and reclaimed metals for their frames.

24 July 2023

Repairing Your Eyeglasses


Your eyeglasses can be an important accessory for allowing you to see. Not surprisingly, your eyeglasses may also be fairly valuable and vulnerable to suffering various types of damage. Being prepared for the types of issues that your eyeglasses may encounter can allow you to more effectively oversee the repairs that may be needed to restore them. Warped Frames There are many different ways that your eyeglass frames could become warped.

26 April 2022

Why Get Prescription Glasses If You Can See Without Them?


Did you know that nearly 60% of people wear glasses or contacts? Prescription glasses are the most popular way to correct mild to severe vision needs and can be helpful to you even if you can see well enough without them. Even if you think you can drive and perform other tasks without the aid of your prescription glasses, you should wear them anyway. Here are just a few reasons why.

4 November 2020

The Benefits Of Blue Light Filter Glasses And How To Avoid Blue Light


When you're trying to get the best from your health, it's important that you get to know the little things that add up to make a big difference. In this regard, you should remain aware of things like how much blue light you are taking in on a regular basis. This is a part of the visual color spectrum that is especially prevalent in cell phones, laptop and desktop monitors, tablets, television screens, and other devices.

13 March 2020

Digital Eye Strain And You


If your job or your lifestyle leads you to spend many hours on a computer, you may be among the majority of computer users who suffer from digital eye strain, also called computer vision syndrome. As much as 90 percent of computer users suffer from some degree of this syndrome. Understanding what it is and what you can do to reduce your risk is important. Here is some information that will help you to understand and combat digital eye strain issues.

18 July 2019

Repairing Your Frames Until You Can Have Them Properly Repaired


If you wear prescription glasses, then you can already imagine how inconvenient--and possibly even horrible--it would be to have them break on you. The frames of glasses are generally designed to be worn for a long time without breaking. However, they do have their weaknesses and sometimes things happen that put too much stress on them and cause them to snap. Or sometimes those nearly invisible screws can pop out. If they do, you may have a hard time finding them.

27 June 2018

3 Interesting Facts About Cataracts


Your optometrist will examine your vision to determine if you need glasses or contacts, but these exams are also beneficial for your underlying eye health. Even though you may not have actual symptoms, certain conditions may be affecting your optical health and vision. An estimated 20.5 million people have cataracts. However, most people are not really familiar with this common eye disorder. Here are a few interesting facts you need to know regarding cataracts.

16 February 2018

Questions About Repairing Detached Retinas


Vision problems can be a serious problem for anyone to encounter. Unfortunately, it is a problem that can take many different shapes and forms. In particular, a detached retina can be a very serious problem that will need to be addressed as soon as possible. Otherwise, it could be possible for the detachment to become severe enough to result in a total loss of vision. What Would Cause Your Retina To Detach?

27 September 2017

Keeping Your Eyes Healthy While Wearing Contact Lenses


Contact lenses are convenient, easy to use and safe when used as recommended. However, there are some things you will want to do while wearing them in order to keep from hurting your eyes. All of these things are simple and easy and don't require any special skills or precautions. Here are three things to do to keep your eyes safe when wearing contacts. Don't wear them overnight or for multiple nights:

19 July 2017

Are Glasses Always Necessary After Cataract Surgery?


After cataract surgery, many people will go on to wear glasses. However, it's not a given you will need glasses after your surgery. Several factors will determine your need for glasses. Why People May Need Glasses after Cataract Surgery Near the end of your recovery from surgery, it's possible you will need glasses. Cataract surgery will help to restore your distance vision; this may leave you still needing reading glasses or computer glasses.

12 May 2017